When it comes to life insurance, you may consider it less important, but the fact is that it is as significant as your health insurance. Getting the life insurance enables the ultimate protection of yours and your family, debt clearance, greater financial security, and of course, peace of mind. Surprisingly, in the latest report, it is stated that the awareness of life insurance in UAE is increasing at a rapid rate. Around 10% increment for the subscription of Life Insurance Dubai has been reported recently.
Despite of greater life insurance awareness in Dubai, it seems that you should have a close look at what you should do and what not. Let’s begin the discussion!
1. Do # 1: Check out the basic options of life insurance
Just don’t stick to one option, explore more and more options offered by the leading life insurance companies in Dubai. Level term, decreasing term and whole of life term are the most common life insurance options. However, universal policy and critical care illness are other options too. Get the entire details and get subscribed to the most suitable one.
2. Don’t # 1: Don’t try to smoke
After reading this point, your jaws may be dropped! Well, in some of the life insurance policies, smoking (including vaping and cigars) can double your premiums. So, just stop smoking and keep yourself away from deadly diseases!
3. Do #2: decide from joint vs. single policy
If you want the life insurance for your partner too, prefer joint policy. Joint policy is much cheaper but, it has some disadvantages too. However, a single policy is a separate insurance, providing more customized cover. Ask the expert about which one is better for you.
4. Don’t #2: don’t forget to ask about taxman
You often see that in your policy in trust is written. It means that your estate is not considered as a part of your policy when you die.
So, if you’re curious to know more, just get the consultancy from Life Insurance Dubai immediately.
Despite of greater life insurance awareness in Dubai, it seems that you should have a close look at what you should do and what not. Let’s begin the discussion!
1. Do # 1: Check out the basic options of life insurance
Just don’t stick to one option, explore more and more options offered by the leading life insurance companies in Dubai. Level term, decreasing term and whole of life term are the most common life insurance options. However, universal policy and critical care illness are other options too. Get the entire details and get subscribed to the most suitable one.
2. Don’t # 1: Don’t try to smoke
After reading this point, your jaws may be dropped! Well, in some of the life insurance policies, smoking (including vaping and cigars) can double your premiums. So, just stop smoking and keep yourself away from deadly diseases!
3. Do #2: decide from joint vs. single policy
If you want the life insurance for your partner too, prefer joint policy. Joint policy is much cheaper but, it has some disadvantages too. However, a single policy is a separate insurance, providing more customized cover. Ask the expert about which one is better for you.
4. Don’t #2: don’t forget to ask about taxman
You often see that in your policy in trust is written. It means that your estate is not considered as a part of your policy when you die.
So, if you’re curious to know more, just get the consultancy from Life Insurance Dubai immediately.